Assembly instruction vacuum cleaner PART 3

... to Part 1Part2Modernization


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P.S. Thank to the Nitrior ( for inspiration
The End!


  1. Hello,

    I am currently wiring it all up and I was wondering where I connect the Step-Up-Converter to...
    I only see the schematics for the step-down-converter

    Also I don't understand the 2 diodes
    on the right hand sides in picture of the L298N diagram and the pushbutton on the left hand side

    Thank you! :)

    1. Hello.
      Sorry, I forgot abou it.... :(
      2 diodes- it's mean (2PCS - HC-020K Double Speed Measuring Module with Photoelectric Encoder -You can find photo Part 1 in my blog). About Step-Up-Converter... At first, You should lift to 13-14 volt and then down to 12 volt (first step-down-converter where it need) and 5 volt (second step-down-converter where it need)

  2. Y cuál es la aplicación que se debe de usar para controlar el robot

    1. Hola Antonio
      Puede descargar el archivo apk para Android desde el enlace en la página 'Download APK and SKETCH files '. En el archivo comprimido, puede encontrar el archivo "RobotC.apk" para android, instalarlo en su gadget ...
      Saludos cordiales!

  3. hello, can i know where to buy the chassis board

  4. Hello! Chassis board was printed with 3d printer... STL files You can get in my blog... Thanks.

  5. Hello! I want to order the chasis sir. Can I order directly to you sir?

    1. Hello, sir!
      Thank you for Your iteresting.
      I very much regret, but I very bussy in my base work (I work as construction worker)...
      3D is My hobby, and if I will start make chassis for You this will take very mutch time...and You will not satisfied ours business :)
      Sorry one more time...
      May be Yor can find firm with 3D printer near you location and order there?
      Best regards, ruslanzel!

  6. Hola, quisiera saber como has fabricado las escobillas que barren, gracias

    1. Hola, utilicé un hilo para una podadora de jardín (1 mm de diámetro), 4 piezas de 50-55 mm de largo por cada agujero. Pegado con superpegamento ...

  7. Hello, gratulation - nice project!!
    I printed all parts an now i am wiring it all up.
    Could you tell me what the transistors mean at the right hand side of the picture with the L298N?
    You said the diods are the HC-020K Double Speed Measuring Module but i dont know what the transistors mean?
    Moreover you put a LED in the picture with the Pro mini and the Bluetooth module on digital Pin 3 but on this Pin there is allready the wire for one HC-020K Double Speed Measuring Module?!
    One last question: The potentiometer for the the small motors on the mosfet platine is only needed for adjusting, right?


  8. Hello.

    1. This is all one module with transistor!!!

    2. Don't use Pin 3 for LED... In bt.module is have LED and it will work... :)

    3. In my work I did not use potentiometer, it is not necessary for those motors.

    Thank! Best wishes.

    1. Hello, thank you for your answer.

      Sorry for asking you again because of troubleshooting.

      I finished wiring up, put the code on the arduino, install the app and tested the robot but i have some issues i can't fixed.
      Maybe you can help me:

      1. The wheel motors going much to fast, do i have to change it in the program code before ?

      2. The other two small motors doesnt work? How should i connect the IRF520 driver module with the arduino?

      3. My phone find the SPP-C Bluetooth serial pass and it connected fine. But when i started up your app and want to connected it with the SPP-C i got always an error 515 or 516(there is no connection with bluetooth device).

      I am very thankfull if you can help me with those problems.
      Best wishes

    2. Hello...
      Sorry.... I will You answer at the near time... may be tomorrow.

    3. Hello...
      You can get answers, go to link
      Best wishes...

  9. sir you can Share this all wiring
    of this robot plz

    1. Hello. Sorry...Wiring scheme I don't have... only what You see at this page..


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